About Us

The Communications Group of the Dept. of Signal Theory and Communications of the Carlos III University of Madrid led by Ana García Armada, brings high experience in the analysis, design and evaluation of communications systems, fixed and mobile, as well as in the development of signal processing techniques to improve their performance, which allows us to offer alternatives to optimize the applications and services that are supported in them.
Main lines of research are: Multi-antenna systems (MIMO and MIMO Massive). OFDM multi-carrier modulation and variants (for NB-IoT, 5G, …). Analysis, detection and inhibition of signals.
Coordinated transmission and cancellation of interference (Small cells, …). Mechanisms of random access and radio resource management (IoT, Multicast, Broadcast). Work on the design and application of the techniques prior to: wireless local / metropolitan area networks (WLAN, WMAN), next generation mobile systems, satellite communications systems and communications with visible light (VLC, LiFi).
Contact: Victor Gil